Bully - Der Eishockey Podcast

Helmut Krebs, Markus Zick, Stefan Schneider

Bully #221 with Tom Buck (Arctic Chokes)

Interview with Tom Buck from the Arctic Chokes

05.02.2024 57 min

Zusammenfassung & Show Notes

In this Special-Episode Tom Buck is talking with Helmut about learning to play ice hockey near Los Angeles and what it is like to be a Coachella Valley Firebirds Fan.

Content of the 221st Bully-Podcast:

Special-Episode (in english):
Tom Buck is a successful YouTuber, and he plays ice hockey for the Arctic Chokes. What makes it special: he learned to play hockey in just one year! Tom lives near Los Angeles, where the Seattle Kraken opened their farm team: the Coachella Valley Firebirds. Both Tom and his wife, Heather, are Season Ticket Members for the Firebirds. What is it like to learn hockey in California? How is the atmosphere at Firebirds' games? And what does the club mean for the region? Tom Buck shares all of this in this podcast.

Inhalt des 221. Bully-Podcasts:

Special bei Bully (auf englisch): Tom Buck ist ein erfolgreicher YouTuber, - und er spielt Eishockey für die Arctic Chokes. Das Besondere hierbei: Er hat in nur einem Jahr gelernt Eishockey zu spielen! Tom lebt in der Nähe von Los Angeles, wo die Seattle Kraken ihr Farmteam eröffneten: Die Coachella Valley Firebirds. Tom und seine Frau Heather sind dazu beide Season-Ticket-Members bei den Firebirds. Wie ist es, in Kalifornien Eishockey zu lernen? Wie ist die Atmosphäre bei den Firebirds-Spielen? Und was bedeutet der Club für die Region? Das alles erzählt Tom Buck in diesem Podcast.

follow Tom Buck on:
YouTube: Tom Buck / TOMBUCK2
Toms new Goalie Mask: Getting My Goalie Mask Custom Painted
Instagram: sodarntom

More about Tom Buck and his work:

Photocredits Fuego and Tom Buck: Heather Ramirez
YouTube: HeatherJustCreate
Instagram: HeatherJustCreate

Custom Podcast Artwork: Helmut Krebs
Instagram: helmut_am_mikro


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